
Wainhouse Research Publishes White Paper on Shindig

On September 15, Wainhouse Research, published Connecting People Better: A New Architecture for More Natural and Productive Online Experiences. Wainhouse Research conducted a feature review of the Shindig platform, comparing and contrasting its capabilities with the other major categories of collaboration.

Wainhouse Research conducted two informal “sandbox” events in June, 2015 during which they tested the Shindig platform with a number of WR clients and end user stakeholders. After the event, Wainhouse Research surveyed attendees regarding their positive and negative impressions of the experience. The result is a candid assessment of pros and cons found in the Shindig service as well as a discussion of its differentiating capabilities.

Wainhouse Research is an independent analyst firm that focuses on critical issues in Unified Communications and Collaboration (UC&C) and collaborative educational technologies. The company conducts multi-client and custom research studies,consults with end users on key implementation issues, publishes white papers and market statistics, and delivers public and private seminars as well as speaker presentations at industry group meetings.

To read the full report, click here.