

UK Charity leverages their Celebrity support for uniquely engaging fundraising series that gives participants once in a lifetime opportunity to sing together online with their favorite artists.

London Contemporary Voices wanted to organize a benefit series for themselves and the affiliated Citizens of the World Choir, a choir composed of refugees and asylum seekers.
Host a virtual event series with celebrity artists to sing along with choir members to the joy of all. Fans were also taught vocal parts and had the opportunity to be brought up on stage to sing along with such notable artists as Grammy Winner Imogen Heap and OBE Emily Watson.
A unique virtual experience that allowed fans a once in a lifetime experience of being able to collaborate however briefly with world-class artists and raise funds and awareness for a great cause. The event took advantage of a built-in hot button widget to allow for the collection of donations from the large audience. Publicity of the event on BBC and viewed by 100’s of thousands on social media led to multiples of donations off-platform.