Cornell University & the University at Buffalo Partner on Shindig Event Series to Discuss Women In Tech

Shindig is proud to partner with the UB Women in STEM Cooperative on “The Next 10 Years: Helping STEM Students Thrive,” a series of video chat events on inclusion and improving the status of women in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The Cooperative itself is a collaboration between the University at Buffalo and Cornell University and features the perspectives of national thought leaders and institutional representatives about expanding the participation of women in undergraduate STEM education at different scales.
The series features monthly events until January, each featuring a new set of experts and opening the floor to questions from attendees. Participants are encouraged to join the conversation, ask questions, share their stories, build their networks, and further their understanding of topics including:
- Innovations that can expand female or underrepresented minority student participation and success in STEM undergraduate education
- Effective evidence-based STEM teaching practices commonly adopted at research universities
- Unique institutional and cultural challenges to achieving STEM diversity
- What difference at scale looks like
The first event in the series took place last week, with great engagement and feedback from the attendees. There are three more scheduled as follows:
- Perspectives on Institutional Change, November 08, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm EST
- Learning Spaces, January 10, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm EST
- Introductory Undergraduate Courses in STEM, February 14, 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm EST
Don’t miss out on this groundbreaking series and sign up today!
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