D.C Power Brokers are Using Shindig to Bring Life Back to the Party

Thank you to the Washington Post and Roxanne Roberts for recognizing Shindig’s unique ability to facilitate memorable virtual events. So pleased to have enabled this sensational virtual convening of dignitaries, ambassadors and business leaders. Congrats to Meridian on your flawless execution and the stellar 850k raise. Diplomacy and international cooperation could certainly not be more important at this time.
Find out what Shindig can do for your organization today: click here to schedule a demo.
COMPUTERWORLD calls out Shindig’s Watercoolr for enhancing hybrid workplace and connecting remote teams.
Reactions in from our friends at Security Finance who use Watercoolr to connect their 1200 plus person team
Watercoolr recognized as Zoom/Teams disrupter
Remote work is here to stay
Shindig earns Frost & Sullivan’s 2022 Global New Product Innovation Award in the virtual events market