
Anthropologists from Dartmouth & the Smithsonian hosted their first virtual office hour as part of a free online course on bipedalism.
Jeremy DeSilva, associate professor of anthropology at Dartmouth College, and Briana Pobiner, paleoanthropologist at the Smithsonian Institution, co-instruct a free online course on bipedalism. They hosted their first Shindig event to conduct a virtual office hour, sharing their research on bipedalism and taking questions from the audience.
Attendees of the online course were encouraged to attend the Shindig event, while the event itself was promoted over social media and email and to anthropology students at Dartmouth.
This was the first time the course instructors held a synchronous virtual office hour and it went really well. Attendees were very engaged, with numerous asking questions both over text and onstage to address the group over video.