Continuing on the success of their newly launched Fandom: Trivia series, the folks at Fandom returned for the 5th time with their most popular installation yet. Hundreds of fans from around the world tuned in to test their knowledge on one of the most classic animated shows ever created. To create the show, Fandom utilized Shindig’s sophisticated production tools allowing contestants the opportunity to join in the virtual game show and compete for the $500 cash prize. Fandom 5: Trivia is the perfect example of how a forward thinking brand can utilize Shindig’s unique value proposition to innovate and create entirely new content experiences.
Bring fans of Avatar - The Last Airbender together virtually to showcase their knowledge about their favorite show and compete for cash prizes.
Use Shindig’s sophisticated broadcast production tools to create a cutting edge virtual game show experience allowing contestants from around the world the opportunity to engage with the brand in ways that were never possible before.
Fandom knocked the ball out of the park with this event. With hundreds in attendance, charismatic fans engaged in an outstandingly produced virtual trivia game show. Fandom successfully utilized Shindig’s unique set of tools to create engaging content that will live on long after the event concluded. The success of Fandom 5: Trivia is a testament to the creativity and willingness to push boundaries using Shindig’s revolutionary technology.