Macmillan sought to promote platinum artist Mikel Jollett’s new Memoir and enlisted Shindig to power National Book Tour
Create a word of mouth campaign behind Platinum artist Mikel Jollett’s memoir by super serving superfans and involving top independent book sellers across the country.
Replace canceled traditional book store with one that would now allow Mikel to not only meet fans, give readings and take fan questions but also allow him to be able to add some music performance from his keyboard and with his guitar.
Social buzz, posts, and WOM excitement from the video chat events was tremendous. Dates with indi book stores so successful that national fan events with GoodReads and Mikel’s record label were also added. Memoir debuted top 10 in Non-Fiction. In the words of one fan:
Latest in the category of "Live events that my wife and I didn't get to attend" was last night. A book reading/performance by one of our favorite writers/musicians EVER. Mikel Jollett from The Airborne Toxic Event.
It took place on a platform called - and I believe we should give it serious consideration for ---------, if the current option is Zoom.
I’ve been to dozens events like this (speaker facing audience) in my life and I’m not saying this lightly, but in many ways, last night's experience exceeded the live experience.
The platform created a realistic audience and stage environment that was intimate beyond words, relaxed, no "fourth wall", all the energy that would have spent “getting there” (by both artist and audience), was instead shared at the event.
This platform connected the audience and made "mingling" SO REAL (text and/or video chat with anyone else in the audience), allowed us to jump on camera to ask a question/interact with the talent, and the whole thing just felt “equalized” in ways that I’m still piecing together.
And I don’t say it lightly for one reason: I believe that what we are experiencing as a culture right now changes everything - from here forward.
And we GET to adapt.
I know live will still exist, and for me, 95% of last night was better. The 5% that's missing was me holding onto the past.
And the Gen X and Gen Z aren't nearly as mired in that past. The next generation? OG behavior, for sure.
I can't speak to the presenter experience. I did sign up for their Introductory Webinar this week and I'll report back.
However, from a viewer experience, this platform made Zoom look and feel like Kindergarten.
Full Transparency - the experience was made WILDLY better for Annie and me because our question was selected to be asked live. WE GOT TO TALK WITH MIKEL!!!