

The Online News Association was fearful that their virtual Emerging Tech Conference would fall flat without the networking and socializing amongst participants that fueled their in person conference. They sought out Shindig to add a meet and greet to allow attendees the opportunity to connect with each other face to face while discussing the applications of the new technologies that were the subject of the talks.

To provide conference attendees all the networking and opportunities to share that make for a great conference, whether it be online or in person.
Bring journalists together in one virtual time and location to discuss all webinars that they had been participating in during the rest of the online conference. Allow them to network, discuss and share just as if the conference had been in person.
ONA was able to successfully provide their conference attendees with an unrivaled experience of connecting face to face with each other to discuss a range of fascinating topics related to the emergence of new technologies in the field of journalism. Attendees convened together in private video chats and worked the virtual room as though they were at an in-person event, even staying well past the scheduled end of the meet & greet.