Podcast Movement Integrates Social Point Trivia Into Shindig

It was a thrill to host the wonderful podcasting community at Podcast Movement Virtual’s welcome reception. Seeing the community engage with each other through video chat conversations and compete in a no holds barred game of podcasting trivia on Shindig was a pleasure. There are so many fantastic ways to use Shindig technology to create the ultimate virtual experience — kudos to the Podcast Movement team for thinking outside the box and providing an engaging gamified Shindig experience to their community.
COMPUTERWORLD calls out Shindig’s Watercoolr for enhancing hybrid workplace and connecting remote teams.
Reactions in from our friends at Security Finance who use Watercoolr to connect their 1200 plus person team
Watercoolr recognized as Zoom/Teams disrupter
Remote work is here to stay
Shindig earns Frost & Sullivan’s 2022 Global New Product Innovation Award in the virtual events market