Anthropologists study human behavior. Thus unsurprisingly when forced to move their biennial conference to online the European Association of Social Anthropologists chose Shindig to help recreate all the natural behaviors and fluid dynamic interactivity that their community recognized as critical to successful events, be they online or in person.
Convene the European Association of Social Anthropologists 2020 conference digitally during COVID-19 and allow the 2000 members to engage with one another as they had planned, from the keynotes to the panels to the closing night party.
Use the Shindig lobby capability to create one landing central landing page with a full listing of the hundreds of Shindig events.
The European Association of Social Anthropologists was able to put on the largest fully virtual conference held within anthropology while preserving the coloquial feel and flow between events. All in all, 171 panel sessions, 22 films, 3 plenaries, 12 lab events, 12 roundtables, and 31 network meetings and 1 tremendous party with a live DJ were hosted via Shindig with participation of some 2000 plus attendees.