WSHU public radio show Join the Conversation with host Daisy Contreras wanted to engage audience and avoid possiblitiy of Zoombombing when sensitive topics discussed turned to Shindig for it's interactive and security features.
Engage with the station's audience in a uniquely participatory way and expand the relevance and currency of their Join the Conversation on Air Series, all while avoiding dangers of Zoombombing or loosing the conversation flow to disruptions.
Host the Join the Converation on Education During Covid with radio personalities Daisy Contreras on Shindig to enable the audience to engage with one another and ask panelists questions; making this Join the Conversation true to its name while remaining confident there would be no appeal for bad actors to atteempt to sabotage the event. Shindig's security features limit audience members video prohibiting such things as broadcasting of porn, the complete inability for someone to take over and publish audio to all, or to spam the text chat with antisocial messages.
WSHU was able to take advantage of Shindig to create a unique experience for its members who attended as well as to stream to social channels and then package the recording up for on air broadcast and use on their website. Additionally WHSU could deal with controversial topic discussions without fear of unplanned disruption thanks to Shindig's security.